Bag Servant is THE place for any handbag junkies out there. Featuring bags from top designers to high street brands via retailers you trust. Bag Servant are the only search engine devoted to handbags, with a free concierge service, lots of fashion advise and inspiration to help you find your perfect piece of arm candy.
They make bag shopping really easy with options to search by type, shape, brand, colour, occasion and the fun personality option.
There are 12 personalities to choose from, from Miss Practical (the Sunday Girl mooching through life) to the Glamourpuss (the femme fatale who loves to make an entrance). My chosen bag was selected for the Chic Yummy Mummy (being mum has never been sexier).
If then after looking through the 9,844 bag options you still haven't found what you're looking for you can utilise the free handbag concierge service. They will assist you with finding a bag that matches something you have seen, they will get in touch with retailers or manufacturers on your behalf or even just give you personalised help and advise when looking for your next bag purchase.
So what bag personality are you? Do you regularly change your bag, or do you stick to an old faithful?
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