I was with a client yesterday and she asked me why I don't 'do colours' and after talking to her I thought it would be worth sharing my opinion on this here blog.
Before I go on though I want to make this clear that this is just my opinion, i'm certainly not attempting to de-value what any other image consultant offers. I can only talk about my experiences and feedback from my clients.
I have had my colours done and this is where my problem lies really. I was told to wear yellow. YELLOW! Not only that I was told I should not wear black. Now this wouldn't have been such an issue if I had been told this this season, however I was told it winter. You see it's the fashion industry that dictates what colours are available on the high street and there I was in my lovely black coat and yellow was no-where to be found (thank goodness).
Secondly, I just don't suit yellow. It's just not a colour I would wear. Now I am quite confident wearing colour, but how would I of felt if I wasn't? Yellow actually doesn't suit me. I realise that there are people offering sound advice where colour is concerned but I have heard a few stories similar to my experience.
A few of my clients have had their colours done and their wardrobes are such a drab place, they have not bought anything that hasn't been advised to buy, they are stuck in a colour rut. The problem is they have been told that they can only wear a certain colour and boy have they bought into that advice.
I know from chatting to shop owners that people shop with their little swatches and if the item isn't the right shade of green or whatever their particular colour on their swatch they won't buy it - what a shame. There must be people out there that love a certain colour but would never buy an item because they have been told they can't - well there's no such thing as can't (kinda).
Don't get me wrong I do talk about colour, of course it's a major part of our wardrobes and our shopping considerations, but it's not the only consideration. Surely trying something on and seeing if it suits you or not can tell you whether it's right or not. There's so many variations and shades to every colour I really believe that people can wear whatever colour they want, it's just about finding a way that's right for you. If you have a black coat and it washes you out, then add a complementary scarf. You love red but it doesn't suit, then like me wear red nail varnish.
Have you ever had your colours done? What is your colour nemesis and how do you overcome it?
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