

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Positive Mental Attitude?

I have had a break recently due to family illness (and a much needed trip to Spain).  We as a family have dedicated our time to helping my father in law recover and i'm glad to report he's on the mend now.

Serious illness or similar circumstances forces you to evaluate your life and certainly since we've been faced with cancer in the family we believe that being and thinking positively goes a long way to helping with your recovery and making you feel better.  Life is too short to dwell on the negatives you really have to embrace what you have and be grateful.

You don't want to look back and think well actually I had great legs in my 30's wish I had shown them off more etc.  Take stock of yourself be completely honest and identify the things that you are happy about, these are the bits you are going to focus on from now on.

This is what I do with my clients, empower them to think positively about their image, show them how to enhance the positives and disguise the 'not so positives'.  I give them confidence about the way they look.

I am far from the most confident person you will meet.  However my front is my image.  I'm not saying I'm 100% happy with my body (who is?) but I know what suits it and what doesn't, I'm not keen on anything below my boobs and about 4 inches above my knees so that's the bit I disguise.

I had a conversation with a client recently, she wanted to wear more accessories and move away from her usual jeans, trainers and fleeces.  She hid in her dark clothes as she felt wearing anything else would draw attention to herself.  What she came to realise was she attracting the same attention it was just for the wrong reasons.  Once she felt more positive and confident this was the image that she started to portray.  I'll talk about 'personal branding' in more detail in a future post but I just wanted to share what she said at the end of the session.  "I wish I had done this years ago then I wouldn't have wasted all this time hiding in hoodies".

So the moral of this post?

Be positive and this will be the image you portray (and the way you feel).  Hold your head high, smile and only wear things that make you feel good.  After all who wants to look back and say "I wish..."

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